
Elis’tof Lo, Jilted Friend (Iris Colan), age 15

You can’t deal with this much longer. Something’s going to snap, and it’s feeling more and more like it’s going to be you.

A month ago, two of your parents were killed by bandits. Your surviving parent, Aman’tolo (Jason Kleban), has been incredibly distant since then. You don’t know what do without your parents around—they supported you, they taught you, they were everything to you. Not a day goes by when you don’t notice their absence, in everything you do, every aspect of your life. You’re starting to feel like someone who’s defined more by what she’s lost than what she has.

You also feel like you’re losing your best friend, Ema’nan To (Lily Rosenthal). While you were on the boats coming from the islands, you and she spent a night together, and you realized were in love with her. She didn’t feel the same way, though, so you kept quiet about it. She said she just wanted to be friends. You realized you couldn’t risk that friendship by pushing the issue (especially as you’d be traveling together for up to a year) so you went back to just being friends. You still love her desperately, though, and some part of you wishes that she’d come around and fall for you.

Worse, now she’s gotten involved with Alit’sor Vo, (Alex Lawson) who you think is a complete asshole. You hate him, you hate him so much. You never liked him to begin with, and now he’s stealing your best friend, bit by bit. The more time she spends with him, the more you dislike him. For the sake of keeping the Caravan from exploding, though, you’re civil to him for the most part.

But since your parents died, you’ve been finding it harder and harder to control yourself. You need to expose Alit as the bastard he is. You’ve been feeling so on edge, so pushed, so stretched, so tight. So… ready to break. You already know what’ll happen when you do break. You’ve been waiting for it.

You’re going to kill Alit. Or no, no, worse than that. You’re going to unmask him, in front of the entire Caravan. Maybe you’ll even break his mask.

Yes. That would be nice. That would be… so satisfying.
