
Woodstock Day School II 2012 by Hunter Igoe.


Sweat drips from her forehead of her pale, sickly face. She run into the cellar, child in her arms. “Edmond! Edmond!” she screams.

The man turns from his work bench and faces his wife. “What?” he asks.

“They are here! The Four Horse-”

Edmond springs into action. He runs to a safe and from inside he pulls out a large staff. “We need to move quickly. Where are we headed?”

His wife coughs and hands the child she was holding over to her husband. “There is a boat going out in search of an island free from all this chaos. We have to head there. We’re out of options.”

Edmond shoulders a satchel and starts to walk up the stairs. “Let’s go!”

His wife doesn’t move. “What is it?” asks Edmond.

The woman coughs once more. Tears begin to roll down her face. “They-they already got me.” She coughs once again and this time blood drips from her mouth. “Plague got me.”

An expression of sorrow comes across the man’s face. “No,” he says. “It can’t be true.” He walks towards his wife and holds her in his arms. Tears roll down his cheeks. “I don’t want to lose you. I love you.”

Edmond’s wife tightens her holds and kisses him. “Go, it’s too late for me. “

“I can’t. I can’t leave you like this.”

“Edmond,” the woman says. Her crying has stopped. “We need to keep our word to Gitana. Now go before its too late for you too.”

A loud crack echoes through the cellar as the door is kicked open. In rushes a man entirely in black, his face a sickly white. In his hand he carries a blade that radiates evil.

“Go!” yells the woman. “Out the back door! I’ll do what I can!”

“I love you,” says the man as he runs off with the child and staff.
